Worship – April 25, 2021
Worship Songs Included: “You are my Vision” “Build my Life” “What a Beautiful Name”
Worship Songs Included: “You are my Vision” “Build my Life” “What a Beautiful Name”
Worship songs included: “Raise a Hallelujah” “No Longer Slaves” “Canvas and Clay”
Worship Songs Included: “Stand in Your Love” “Closer” “Dear God”
Worship Songs Included: “This is a Move” “So Will I (100 Billion X)” “Forever”
Worship Songs Included: “Praise Will Be My Song” “Stand In Your Love” “You Keep on Getting Better”
Worship Songs Included: “Yes and Amen” “Goodness of God” “Build My Life”
Worship Songs Included: “Raise a Hallelujah” “Carry Me Through” “Yes I Will”
Worship Songs Included: “Yes and Amen” “Way Maker” “Carry me Through”
Worship songs included: “Stand in Your Love” “Closer” “Way Maker” “Nothing Else”
Worship songs included: “Yes I Will” “Yes and Amen” “Who You Say I Am” “Defender” “Goodness of God”